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2013-6-8 17:57:21

Become the future truly outstanding enterprises 未来真正出色的企业,将是能够设法使各阶层人员全心投入,并有能力不断学习的组织。泰安恒泰尔玻璃钢有限公司可生产各种行业所需的泰安玻璃钢制品,也可根据客户的要求设计加工各种异型玻璃钢制品,广泛应用于各个领域。
Future truly outstanding enterprises, will be able to try to make each class dedicated,the ability of learning organization. Tai''an Hengtai, glass steel Co. Ltd. Tai''an glass steel products productionall kinds of industry needs, also can designproduce all kinds of special-shaped glass steel products according to customer requirements, widely used in various fields.
Due to the rigidplastic Tai''an glass steel props have steel pipe toughness, flexibility in a body, thus a powerful impactseize the plastic pipe market atmosphere. Most glass steel pipe production technology is used in more traditional core single intermittent molding production of glass steel, production processequipment of the production process is relatively simple, more trouble, manipulation, high labor intensity, poor working environment, the degree of automation is not high so that the product quality is not stable, the length of the article is not easy to adjust, the production efficiency is also subject to certain restrictions. Because of the continuous production, so the device has a process control to facilitate comparison, good working environment, product quality stable. But because the rotating cam disc drive is formed to promote the level of advancement of steel strip, sometimes causing strip overlap.
The era of innovation is actually the information age natural concomitant. Although we have new information, but there is still a weak link, it does not appear in the creation of information, also not appear in information storage, not even in the acquisition of information, but to do something new in the use of new information.
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