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2013-6-10 18:03:42

Truly outstanding enterprise is a learning organization 泰安恒泰尔玻璃钢有限公司生产的泰安玻璃钢管设计采用承插式的连接方式,安装施工方便,由于本产品重量轻、强度高,施工埋设简捷,能妥善解决由于施工时暴露时间长、影响城市交通等问题
Tai''an glass tube design Tai''an Toptai FRP Co. Ltd. production using a socket connection type, convenient installationconstruction, because the product is light weight, high strength, simple embedment, can properly solve the construction exposed for a long time, affect the city traffic problems. 泰安玻璃钢管与各专用的配件配套使用,可以根据不同的工程要求组成多层列的电缆排管系统,适合于电缆过桥,过河等特殊环境时作保护管,特别在电缆过桥时采用复合玻璃钢电缆保护管,更能充分体现玻璃钢保护管能广泛适用于以下工程建设领域。玻璃钢电缆保护管适用电缆埋地敷设时作保护管用,也可适用于电缆过桥,过河等高要求环境。采用配套的专用管枕组合,可组成多层多列的多导管排管方式。它是目前城市道路电缆化工程中必不可少的地下电缆保护套管。玻璃钢管道是一种轻质、高强、耐腐蚀的非金属管道。其管壁结构合理先进,能充分发挥材料的作用,在满足使用强度的前题下,提高了钢度,保证了产品的稳定性和可靠性。普通钢管比较使用寿命长,综合造价低,安装快捷,安全可靠等优点,被广大用户所接受。
The use of Tai''an glass tube matched with special fittings, cable can be according to the different engineering required to form a multilayer column pipe system, suitable for cable bridge, cross the river for the protection of pipeother special environment, especially with steel cable protection composite glass tube in the cable bridge, more fully reflects the protection of glass fiber reinforced plastic pipe can be widely applicable in the field of Engineering construction. FRP cable protection pipe for cable laying underground for protection tube, but also can be applied to the cable bridge, cross the riverof high demand environment. Using special tube pillow combinations of multiple catheter may be composed of multiple layers, multiple tube method. It is underground cable protective sleeve at present city road cable engineering in essential. The glass fiber reinforced plastic pipeline is non metal pipeline corrosion of a lightweight, high-strength, durable. The tube wall is reasonableadvanced structure, can give full play to the role of the material, the use of the strength of the premise, improve the rigidity, guarantee the stabilityreliability of the product. Ordinary steel pipe is of long service life, low cost, quick installation, safereliable, has been accepted by the majority of users. 公司全体员工殷切期望不断密切与新老客户的友好合作关系,热忱欢迎各方优秀人士加盟,共同创造公司的美好未来!
All the staff of the company hopes to close the newold customers with the friendlycooperative relations, warmly welcome excellent people to join together to create a better future, company! 未来真正出色的企业,将是能够设法使各阶层人员全心投入,并有能力不断学习的组织。
Future truly outstanding enterprises, will be able to try to make each class dedicated,the ability of learning organization.
手 机:13805488206
电 话:0538-8641164
地 址:山东省泰安市岱岳区化马湾驻地      
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