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2013-6-10 14:04:36

What is the advantage of using glass tube in the process of program production 泰安恒泰尔玻璃钢有限公司是一家有着近二十年历史的集设计、生产、销售泰安玻璃钢管于一体的管材制造企业。公司位于京、津、石经济带中心,南邻白洋淀,东临京九铁路,交通便利,地理位置优越。
Tai''an Toptai FRP Co., Ltd. is a set design, a pipe nearly twenty years history of production, sales in one of the Tai''an glass steel pipe manufacturing enterprises. The company is located in Beijing, Tianjin, stone Economic Zone center, south of Baiyangdian, east of the Beijing-Kowloon Railway, transportation is convenient, the geographical position is superior. 泰安玻璃钢管是以树脂为基体材料,玻璃纤维及其制品为增强材料,石英砂为填充材料而制成的新型复合材料。它以其优异的耐腐蚀性能、水力性特点、轻质高强、输送流量大、安装方便、工期短和综合投资低等优点,成为化工行业及排水工程的最佳选择。产品选用耐腐蚀极强的树脂,拥有极佳的机械性质与加工特性,在大部分酸、碱、盐海水未处理的污水,腐蚀性土壤或地下水及众多化学物质的侵蚀。璃钢管道与容器均属于回转型容器,为轴对称图形,比较容易采用解析公式进行计算,从而得到解答,但对于一些复杂容器如塔器、烟囱等则适于利用有限元分析计算,其计算结果更为准确。我们有的企业拿到了非金属压力容器、压力管道设计许可证,在培训过程中我体会最深的就是规范化要求,参照标准要规范、计算过程要规范、设计文件也要规范。
Tai''an glass tube with resin as the matrix material, glass fiberits products as reinforcing material, composite material for filling material made of Ishi Eisa. With its excellent corrosion resistance, hydraulic characteristics, high strengthlight weight, large delivery flow, convenient installation, low investmentshort construction period of comprehensive, becomes the best choice of chemical industrydrainage engineering. Product selection of resistant resin corrosion strong, mechanical propertiesprocessing characteristics with the best, most of the acid, alkali, salt water untreated sewage, erosion corrosion in soilgroundwater,many chemical substances. FRP pipescontainers are rotary type container, as the axis of symmetry, relatively easy to use analytical formulas, thus get answers, but for some complex containers such as towers, chimneys, suitable for finite element analysiscalculation, the calculation results more accurate. Some of our enterprises to get a non metallic pressure vessels, pressure pipeline design license, in the training processwhat has impressed me most is the standardization requirements, reference standard to standardize, calculation process must be standardized, design documents to specification. 公司以信誉求发展、以泰安玻璃钢管质量求生存,以诚信树品牌、以销售增活力,将市场机制引入企业销售、供应、生产的各个环节,建立适应市场经济和外向型发张的运行机制,通过创名牌,出优品,高优服,强信用良好的社会形象。
The company to the credibility of development, to Tai''an glass pipe quality of survival, in good faith of tree brand, sales increase vitality, introducing market mechanism into enterprise sales, supply, production of each link, to adapt to the establishment of the operating mechanism of market economyexport-oriented development, through the brand, the quality, high-quality service, strong credit a good social image.
手 机:13805488206
电 话:0538-8641164
地 址:山东省泰安市岱岳区化马湾驻地
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