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2012-6-21 14:41:06

泰安玻璃钢管:玻璃钢管引起分层的原因及解决办法 泰安玻璃钢管:玻璃钢管引起分层的原因及解决办法 目前世界上采用往复式纤维缠绕工艺制管的厂家比其它两种生产工艺生产厂家多的多,原因之一是往复式纤维缠绕工艺制造的玻璃钢管具有更广泛的用途,适用性比较好。
  中国从70 年代开始小批量生产玻璃钢管,经过20 多年的研制及工程实际应用情况表明,我国玻璃钢管道工业发展比较缓慢。与发达国家相比,在原材料、工艺装备、技术管理、工程设计、产品标准、施工规范、应用范围等方面都存在很大差距。 引起玻璃钢管分层的原因: ①胶布太老; ②胶布胶量太少或不均匀; ③热辊温度太低,树脂熔化不好,胶布不能很好地粘住管芯; ④胶布张力小; ⑤油性脱模剂用量太多,沾污芯布。 解决办法: ①胶布的含胶量、可溶性树脂含胶量都要符合质量要求; ②热辊温度调高点,使胶布经过热辊时,胶布已发软发粘,能牢固地粘好管芯; ③调整胶布张力; ④不用油性脱摸剂或减少其用量。

Tai''an glass steel tube manufacturers: causing delamination causesSolutions

Tai''an glass steel tube manufacturers: causing delamination causesSolutions

At present in the world by reciprocating filament winding process for tube manufacturers than the other two production technology manufacturers moremore, one of the reasons is reciprocating filament winding process for the manufacture of glass steel pipe has a more extensive use, Applicability Comparison well.

China begins from 70 time small batch production of FRP pipe, after 20 years of development and practical application show that, our country glass steel pipeline industry develops slowly. Compared with the developed countries, in raw materials, equipment, technology management, engineering design, product standard, construction standard, application rangeso on are put in very big difference.

Glass tube caused by stratified reasons : ①tape too old; the adhesive resin content is too little or not uniform; the hot roll temperature is too low, the melted resin is not good, not good adhesive to stick a tube core; the tape tension is small; the mold release agent dosage is too much, the core fabric.

Solution:adhesive glue content, soluble resin glue content to meet the quality requirements; the hot roll temperature adjustable high, make the tape after the heat roller, sticky tape is weak, can be firmly glued the tube core; the tape tension adjustment;no oily agents from loss or reduction of its dosage.

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